Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Back at it! (Monthly Update: September)

After a lovely (and much needed) 16 week vacation, I am now back at work. It's taking me a little longer to get back into the groove than normal, and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. I purposefully took a smaller load than usual (only 8 credits), but still nearly lose my mind by the end of the day. Anyone else feel that way after a vacation? Here's hoping that I get my groove back soon :)

Here's what I've been up to the last month...

I've been reading a lot the last few weeks:
  • The Daughters of Harwood House Triology: Rose's Pledge, Mariah's Quest, and Lily's Plight
  • Western Justice Series: Rose's Land and Sabrina's Man
  • Blue Willow Brides Trilogy: Perfectly Matched and Twice Promised
  • The Giver (reread for class prep)
Up next: One Hundred Names by Cecelia Ahern

I had a couple of orders come through this month with people gearing up for fall, so that's been fun. A couple of scarves and a hat have been sent out to new homes.

I'm currently working on a cow hat for Elijah's Halloween costume. I've tweaked this pattern by Repeat Crafter Me. Just a few more black spots to go!

When Elijah decided that he wanted to be a cow for Halloween (we still have no idea where/why/how he came up with this decision), James and I were joking about being the milkman and a milk maid. Well, Elijah overheard us, and now we have to be those things, according to the 3 1/2 year old tyrant. I picked up a couple of yards of cheap white muslin last week and have made a mop cap and a fichu (a small triangle shaped shawl) for my costume. I still need to make my apron and hopefully pick up a nicely outdated skirt or dress from the thrift store to complete my ensemble. James, however, is on his own for his costume. Good luck finding a "Asian fit" milkman hat :)

That's pretty much my September in a nutshell - family vacation, back to work, a few projects here and there and a whole lot of reading. I'm looking forward to October - the rain, the boots, the scarves, and making fun of all the pumpkin flavored things - and I hope you are, too!

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